5 Tips to Save Time During the IELTS Reading Exam


In the reading exam, you have to read three passages and answer 40 questions in one hour. However, most students struggle to attempt all the questions in the exam within the given time. As a result, they get low scores on the exam. Luckily, there are a few tips that you can follow to easily save time during the exam. Keeping this in mind, today we are going to share with you the five tips to save time during the IELTS reading exam.

Read Questions First

When you read the passage, your brain tries to understand what the reading passage is about. However, you can easily identify and understand what topic the passage covers by going through the questions first. By reading the questions, you will get an idea of the content that is present in the passage. Furthermore, you will be able to quickly go through the passage. This is because by reading questions you will get an idea about what part of the passage is important. But don’t start writing your answers immediately before skim-reading the passage. To learn about the best techniques to manage time in the IELTS exam feel free to join our IELTS Coaching Classes Chandigarh.

Read the Introduction First

Once you are done reading the questions, the next thing you have to do is read the content of the passage. While reading make sure you read the introduction first after that read the conclusion and then the main body. But make sure you don’t spend a lot of time on any of the sections of the passage. We recommend you not spend more than five minutes on any section of the passage. Why should you read the passage in this manner? Because it will help you get an even more clear idea about the topic that the passage covers. Furthermore, it will also help you easily find the answers to the questions in the exam. So, make sure you follow this reading pattern if you want to get good marks in the reading exam.

Don't Read Every Sentence

You can’t score high on the exam if you spend your time reading every sentence of the passage. Instead, you must learn to skim-read the passage. Skimming is a reading technique in which you quickly read the content of a passage to get a basic idea of it. To use this technique properly make sure you look for key ideas while reading a paragraph. Once you learn about the main ideas that are present in the paragraph you don’t have to read all the other sentences. So, make sure you don’t read each sentence of the passage and skim-read it. This will help you save a lot of time and increase your chances of performing well in the reading exam.

Underline Specific Information

Another that you can do to save time in the exam is to underline important topics while scanning the passage. For instance, while reading if you see a name of a person or organization underline it. Besides this, if you see a technical term make sure you also underline it. Why? Because these names/terms will appear in the questions of the exam. Thus, if you don’t underline them earlier then you will have to search for them later. As a result, you may end up wasting a lot of time. However, if you underline them earlier then you can easily save a lot of time. So, make sure you underline important topics while scanning the passage. This will help you a lot in scoring high marks on the exam.

Don’t Spend a Lot of Time Trying to Answer the Questions

To get a band of 7 in the IELTS exam, you don’t have to correctly answer all the questions of the exam. If you can correctly answer 30 questions you can easily get a band of 7 in the reading exam. However, most students trying to get a high band in the exam try to answer all the questions correctly. But by doing this you may waste a lot of time. This is true especially if you don’t know the right answer to the question. So, unless you don’t know the answer make sure you don’t spend a lot of time on one question. We recommend you to not spend more than one minute on any question. This will ensure that you don’t run out of time and can attempt all questions of the exam. To learn about other techniques for quickly going through the passage in the exam feel free to join our IELTS Coaching Classes Gurgaon.


There you have it, five tips to save time during the IELTS reading exam. So, do follow these tips if you want to better manage your time during the exam. By following these tips, you will be able to attempt all the questions of the exam without running out of time. Moreover, it will also increase your chances of getting a high band/score in the English proficiency exam.


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